Formulaic Language Research Network


Advances in identifying formulaic sequences: a methodological workshop

We held our first ‘extra’ FLaRN workshop on Friday 22 January 2016 in Swansea.

Write up from the organisers

The Formulaic Language Research Network, FLaRN for short, which celebrated its 10th year in 2014, has attracted students and academics from across the globe to a practical workshop at Swansea University hosted by the College of Arts and Humanities, Swansea University’s Research Institute for Arts and Humanities (RIAH) and Swansea University’s Language Research Centre (LRC).

This year’s workshop was organised by Swansea University’s Dr. Maria Fernandez-Parra and Dr. Vivienne Rogers, both from the College of Arts and Humanities

“This workshop, as the FLaRN conference we organised in 2014, has turned out to be truly international,” said Dr. Fernandez-Parra. “We were delighted to welcome influential scholars from the UK but also from Sweden, Japan, Turkey and elsewhere.

“This has given both Swansea University students and all other attending PhD students a fantastic and unique opportunity to present their current work at international level, meet influential scholars and discuss their work in person with them.”

Dr. Rogers said organisers were pleased with the response. “We are truly delighted that the workshop has been a success” she said. “FLaRN was founded by Professor Alison Wray from Cardiff University in 2004 to coordinate research work in the field of formulaic language – this includes idioms, fixed expressions and other combinations of words which have similar behaviours in linguistic terms.”

“We would really like to thank all delegates for making this event such a success! The next event regarding Formulaic Language will be the FLaRN conference to be held in Vilnius, Lithuania, on 28-30 June. In the meantime, delegates and anyone interested can continue the debate online through the web site”

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